Providing leading edge brain injury services in our communities.
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario
Providing leading edge brain injury services in our communities.
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario
Providing leading edge brain injury services in our communities.
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario
Providing leading edge brain injury services in our communities.
Our Mission
To assist individuals, living with the effects of an acquired brain injury, in attaining their maximum potential as they continue living, loving and doing.
Our Purpose
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario (BISNO) is a non-profit charitable organization which provides rehabilitation and support services within the community to individuals living with the effects of an Acquired Brain Injury. BISNO affiliates itself with other agencies and professionals in developing and providing a range of services in Northern Ontario.
Wellness, Safety & Success
We value and advocate for environments that utilize least intrusive methods and have structures and resources that prevent harm and ensure wellness, safety and success.
Celebrating 25 Years of Service
This Video chronicles the history of BISNO and the services we provide to individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.